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  • Samia Chowdhury

bouncing ball and basic anim in C4D

Ah character animation, my specialty unfortunately, finding resources on pure traditional key framed performance animation in C4D is extremely lacking.That is not to say a motion graphic software such as C4D is not capable of such artwork e.g. Bomper Studio produced the short - Coffee Run. An extra bonus about their animation is that they pushed the style of the media, mimicking the eccentric exaggerated movement of Looney Tunes cartoons, my favourite kind of style.

An intermediate Maya user, the skillset is transferable the task lies is getting used to C4D animation interface then I am ready to go. To ease in, I sort out basic animation exercises such as bouncing ball tutorials and walk cycles. The ball gif above, I'd reference heavily on the Youtube Video Character Animation in Cinema 4D by Mograph mentor. Carefully following the demostration, learning the necessary shortcuts, features, and some animation tips along the way but more importantly the tangents graph (function graph as it is called) at the end I came to realise it's not too different from Maya. So, when I started to follow the walk cycle YouTube tutorial - Walk Cycle in CINEMA 4D Part ½. I whizzed past a majorityof the content so easily because it basically looked like a maya walk cycle tutorial and once you seen one walk cycle tutorial you pretty much seen them all. Thankfully, allowing me to discard my curated playlist of scarce C4D basic animations clip as I can now reference a maya lesson.

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